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Prescription Medicines – vetoquinol
Purchasing Veterinary Prescription Only Medicine
When Purchasing Veterinary Prescription Only Medicine (POM-V), it must be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon, but may be dispensed by another veterinary surgeon or pharmacist.
You can download a Vetscriptions Prescription form here.
Showing 7 results for "Prescription Medicines – vetoquinol"
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Cats and Sleep: Your Guide to Your Cat’s Sleep Behaviour

Cats and Sleep: Your Guide to Your Cat’s Sleep Behaviour
In this article, we unravel one of the mysteries of cats: their sleeping habits. Does your cat sleep a lot during the day, or is your cat full of boundless energy? Keep reading to find out if your cat’s sleeping habits are those of a normal, healthy cat or whether you might want to visit the vet.
In this article, we unravel one of the mysteries of cats: their sleeping habits. Does your cat sleep a lot during the day, or is your cat full of boundless energy? Keep reading to find out if your cat’s sleeping habits are those of a normal, healthy cat or whether you might want to visit the vet.