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Equipalazone is indicated in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in horses and ponies where the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Phenylbutazone can offer relief, for example, in lameness associated with osteoarthritic conditions, acute and chronic laminitis, bursitis and carpitis, and in the reduction of post-surgical soft tissue reaction. This product may only be used in animals not intended for slaughter for human consumption.
The clinical effect of Phenylbutazone can be evident for at least three days following cessation of administration. This should be borne in mind when examining horses for soundness.
Some authorities (including the Jockey Club) regard Phenylbutazone as a “prohibited substance” under the rules of competition. Therefore, use of this product in a competition horse should be in accordance with the recommendations/advice of the relevant competition authorities
Legal Category: POM-V
To find details on all veterinary medicinal products currently authorised in the UK, please see the VMD's Product Information Database.
IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION: this is a Veterinary Prescription Only Medicine (POM-V), which can only be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon, but may be dispensed by another veterinary surgeon or pharmacist.
Equipalazone is indicated in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in horses and ponies where the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Phenylbutazone can offer relief, for example, in lameness associated with osteoarthritic conditions, acute and chronic laminitis, bursitis and carpitis, and in the reduction of post-surgical soft tissue reaction. This product may only be used in animals not intended for slaughter for human consumption.
The clinical effect of Phenylbutazone can be evident for at least three days following cessation of administration. This should be borne in mind when examining horses for soundness.
Some authorities (including the Jockey Club) regard Phenylbutazone as a “prohibited substance” under the rules of competition. Therefore, use of this product in a competition horse should be in accordance with the recommendations/advice of the relevant competition authorities
Legal Category: POM-V
To find details on all veterinary medicinal products currently authorised in the UK, please see the VMD's Product Information Database.
IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION: this is a Veterinary Prescription Only Medicine (POM-V), which can only be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon, but may be dispensed by another veterinary surgeon or pharmacist.